logical argument

美 [ˈlɑːdʒɪkl ˈɑːrɡjumənt]英 [ˈlɒdʒɪkl ˈɑːɡjumənt]
  • 网络逻辑论证;合乎逻辑的论证
logical argumentlogical argument


a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood;the methodical process of logical reasoning
I can't follow your line of reasoning
Synonym: argumentation argument line of reasoning line


  1. Its most distinctive feature is its use of logical argument .


  2. Spelling is much less important than the ability to make a logical argument .


  3. You must learn how to construct a logical argument .


  4. A scientific text is considered a logical argument .


  5. Because of this logical argument , empirical analysis of law has its source and spirit .


  6. Demonstrative evidence , well that 's demonstration logical argument .


  7. A Logical Argument Framework on Argumentation - Based Negotiation


  8. In the forth part , 1 put forward the defect of his basic conception and logical argument .


  9. A motive that can be defended by reasoning or logical argument .


  10. He put for the clear , logical argument for allowing homsexuals in the armed forces .


  11. Theoretical Study on Onset of Standing-wave Thermoacoustic Engine ; a motive that can be defended by reasoning or logical argument .


  12. This system in actual operation is subject to logical argument and practice test , and its scientific nature and effectiveness is up to the evaluation of college students " Sansheng Education " system .


  13. Because the said in a logical argument contradiction , in violation of personal responsibility principle , inherits accomplice theory cannot self-explanatory , cannot complete solve complex accomplice question .


  14. It sounded like a logical argument , but none-the-less it is strange to see the'hammer and sickle'and the busts and statues of Lenin everywhere .


  15. By reviewing his " inherent worth " conception and the denial of " the idea of the superiority of humans " , point out the defect of his basic conception and logical argument .


  16. So the premise is to clearly sort out the origin of its formation only on the basis of logical argument , in order to understand the theory of TCM " said what " and " why " .


  17. And its historical limitations lie in the vagueness resulted from lack of logical argument and the narrow-mindedness resulted from over persistent of individual esthetic value , and the coming thin condition of Word creation .


  18. These are also the necessary prelude of taking the utilitarianism as the guiding principle of the empirical analysis of Law . Therefore , the logical argument by Bentham and Austin on utilitarianism is most important part which can not avoided when we research how the empirical analysis started .


  19. On Logical Foundation of Legal Argument in Criminal Trial


  20. There is a lack of logical consistency in her argument , if there is an argument .


  21. In the Chinese ancient logical history , word and meaning was an important logical category . The argument between word and meaning prevailed in Wei-Jin dynasties .


  22. The main methods of legal reasoning include logical argumentation , dialectical argumentation and rhetorical argumentation . Among them , the logical argument method and the dialectical argumentation method can be attributed to rhetorical argument essentially , and they are in serve to achieve acceptability .
